Analysis: The great Tasmanian gambling tax giveaway

Under the Gutwein government’s proposed gambling legislation, Tasmania will have by far the lowest casino tax rates in the nation.
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Playing the pokies

Losing streak: James Boyce’s new chapter on Tasmania’s gaming addiction

The legislation that Gutwein will bring to the Tasmanian parliament in the next few months is no longer only about poker machines. It concerns the integrity of the parliamentary system. Demanding that our political representatives put the public good first is not just important to reducing social harm and balancing the budget. Reclaiming our democracy from vested corporate interests will be critical to responding effectively to all the complex social, economic, and environmental challenges of the twenty-first century.
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James Boyce

James Boyce

James Boyce is a Tasmanian writer and historian. His books include Losing Streak: How Tasmania was Gamed by the Gambling Industry (Black Inc 2017) which was long-listed for the Walkley Book Award, short-listed for the Ashurst Business Literature Prize and won the People’s Choice Award in the Premier’s Literary Prizes.
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